We are a team of internationally located professionals with quality and innovation-driven approach.
Our team members have extensive knowledge and experience with the healthcare sector, quality of patient care and research. We are creative, proactive and enjoy working together, sharing our company's vision and approach to finding solutions to everyday challenges. Capreolos GmbH was founded with a vision of using digital solutions for improving patient care and experience for both patients and their doctors.

A patient-oriented company

- Our culture and values are focused
on patient safety and quality of care.

- Our approach puts the patient in the centre.


- A revolutionary and visionary app solution that is made for all stakeholders in healthcare.

Medical excellence

- An evidence-based but creative and independant approch in collaboration with patients, doctors and hospitals.


Development and Validation of The Prehab App

A digital remote and home-based prehabilitation before major surgical procedures in the abdomen or chest will help to avoid complications and reduce costs.

The Prehab App-1.png

Project details

The prehab app will consist of 2 elements. In the doctor app, a toolbox of evidence-based will be used to assess the patients’ risk factors. Then a 3-to-6-week aerobic interval training will be automatically generated from those risk data. The prehabilitation program will consist of exercising, assessments of mental well-being and nutritional support. The applications are built with a high focus on usability and an easy implementation into daily life.

The primary targets of application will be major (cancer) operations in the abdomen (i.e. esophagus, stomach, pancreas, bowels, kidneys, prostate, ovaries, uterus, pararenal glands, incisional hernias, and operations for obesity) and the chest (lung) as well as breast surgery. There are good data in literature, that the systematic application of moderate to highly intense exercising (aerobic interval training) can be associated with up to 50% less complications and 30% less costs after surgery.

Capreolos GmbH is responsible for the development and the provision of all safety-related, IT-specific, regulatory, and infrastructural requirements. The development of the medical device is carried out in cooperation with a notified body and the BfArM (German regulatory authority for drugs and medical devices).

The University Hospital Frankfurt of Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main are responsible for the DIN ISO 14155, MDR, and MPDG compliant clinical trial (LUMOS).

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